Welcome to
Feel Better Today
Just what you need!
Our main goal is to improve people's general health through simple and healthy methods that last a lifetime!
We work with everything around diet, exercise, life coaching, stress and fatigue!
We are broad in our expertise and know what we are talking about.
We have a carefully selected and solid material for our customers to work with, in parallel with our sessions, to develop our customers in the best possible way.
We adapt the design to the customers' needs and goals.
In addition, the majority of our services are included in the wellness allowance , which means that it does not have to cost you anything initially.
Nice that you found here!
Feel free to look around the page to take part in everything we offer.

Become so strong mentally & physically that you can do what you want and dream of!
Never settle with less!
Feel Better Today

Good health
Health for us consists of several parts where we believe that everything is connected and creates a whole.
With the right kind of food, positive thoughts, low stress levels and exercise can happen!
It's never too late to feel and be your best self!
Feel Better Today
How we look at health
We at Better Today see health as a whole of several different parameters, all of which are dependent on each other, which is why the idea of creating and starting "Feel Better Today" arose.
"Feel Better Today" has a holistic view of health and we work to help others and contribute to increased public health.
We have over 20 years of experience in an active life, food intolerances, diet and experience from working life, stress and fatigue.
Competences and training within the company:
- Life coach
- Dietician
- Health Coah
- Personal trainer
- Stress and mindfulness / Qi gong coach

We work independently, which means that we can help you wherever you live!
Contact us for more information about what suits you best of the alternatives we offer and work with!
Get in touch
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